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Skopje recent comments:

  • Butelska, RobinBhanks wrote 2 years ago:
    The area around this street (in Radishani, before A2 highway) is called Rasadnik
  • HQ of ARM, ljubomir59 wrote 7 years ago:
    Ministry of Defence
  • PHI Hospital for Gynecology and Obstetrics - Mother Teresa, Rino Baballeku wrote 8 years ago:
  • Institute for Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities (Defectology), Sophie Beaumont (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    It is not at all appropriate to refer to 'mentally retarded' children and youth. Please amend to state children and youth with intellectual disabilities.
  • Church of the Ascension of Jesus, kamea wrote 9 years ago:
    Nella chiesa sono conservati altorilievi in legno di pregiata fattura, icone policrome ed un'iconostasi di grande risalto teologico.
  • PTS, AStyle wrote 10 years ago:
    Yap. But check object's history.
  • PTS, mnogotochie wrote 10 years ago:
    Holy cow! Such a miracle! Guest ( finally is creating something that does exist.
  • Naum Ohridski, 8, Goran (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    I live in this building, there are a total of 15 apartments. I am pleased to have a number on your map. Thank you in advance
  • Municipality of Chair, p1ner0 (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    The most dense municipality in Europe. If you calculate the area divided by population you will get a result similar to some municipality in Honk Kong or India maybe. According to the last national census from 2002 in Cair live 18,400 people per kilometer square, now in 2013 statistics show it has more than 32000/km2.
  • Macedonian Philharmonic, жител (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    they are still buiding it, but should be ready by 2014.
  • Tennis Club ATK, Luis Mente (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    the best tennis academy
  • Partizanski Odredi na Makedonija, 9, Shawn (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    To the right of the entrance is the art gallery of Milos Kudzoman.
  • Galerija Psiho-Gal - "Bomb Shelter" art gallery, Shawn (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    The prices for the art were quite attractive to this American in 2007.
  • Bergmann Group Skopje, Bekim Osmani (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Local representation of Bergmann Group Germany
  • Sports radio 90.3, Aleksandar (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Sportsko radio is not here anymore
  • Pogrebalna Oprema ,,Bozja Zelba", Toni (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Phone number is +3892/2031-097 24/7 since 1994year
  • Center, m4rt00 wrote 13 years ago:
    Looks very nice from above.
  • Vuchko Vidrazh, vuckovidraz (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    tel: 070/078-219-395
  • King's Daughter Grave, iskonska wrote 14 years ago:
    The royal daughter. She had been a Christian and become to be a Muslim. She had been a pure heart and generous person. She is one of the Holies people that is not so famous around, especial because she had had convert to islam. It is not important which religion you are it is important what is in your heart and how good you are with yourself and with people around. All of us we need to discover and investigate the love. R.I.P the royal daughter!
  • ASNOM - Antifashistichko Sobranie na Narodnoto Osloboduvanje na Makedonija, 24, Venera (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Kozmeticko frizerski salon VENERA 2 432 215